Presto DualFry

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Presto is well known for their track record of producing top quality deep fryers. And while this product may not be as well-known as some of Presto’s other offerings, the Presto 05466 Dual ProFry Immersion Element Deep Fryer is one of the best deep fryers on the market.

Make no mistake; the Presto 05466 Dual ProFry Immersion Element Deep Fryer is a beast. It boasts the largest oil capacity of any fryer we’ve reviewed and also offers the most wattage. In fact, we only selected the Secura 1700-Watt Triple-Basket Deep Fryer because of the excellent special features. The Presto ProFry regulates oil temperature well and is easy to clean. Overall, we highly recommend this model.

Quick Info

4.7 Liter Fryer Oil Capacity
1800 Watts
Large food capacity
Double fryer baskets
Easy cleanup
Typically under $60

Deep Fryer Size

Topping out at 4.7 liters, this fryer is the largest model that we’ve reviewed. In fact, its volume is approaching that of a small commercial model. It should be no surprise then that it has the capacity to handle approximately five pounds of food in a single batch. In terms of volume, this works out to approximately 12 cups of food. It weighs in at 11 pounds with dimensions of 12 x 19 x 12 inches, so while it has a large oil capacity it is still relatively lightweight and can fit on most counters.


This fryer packs 1800 watts of punch, which is as high as you’re going to find in a non-commercial fryer. That’s not hyperbole; you won’t find many fryers more powerful than this given that most residences in the United States have circuits with a maximum wattage of 1800. Anything with more than 1800 watts runs an increased risk of overloading a circuit. The excellent wattage makes this unit one of the best home deep fryers available.

Wattage is important, especially if you have a lot of food to fry. While nearly all fryers operate in the same temperature range, the wattage determines how quickly the heating element can bring the fryer oil back up to temperature. This affects not only the initial preheating time before you can use your fryer, but also how long you have to wait in between batches. You will be hard-pressed to find better wattage anywhere.


This fryer isn’t short on features either. It offers an easy-to-use adjustable thermostat that allows you to control the temperature of your oil. It also employs a signal light that gives you a visual queue that your oil has reached the desired temperature. Our favorite feature is the lid, however. Not only does it operate as a splash guard, the lid includes a charcoal air filter that does an excellent job of reducing odor. This is a major benefit if you intend to fry indoors.

Cleanup on this unit is easy, thanks to the heating element and the enameled pot both being removable. What’s more, the pot can be submerged in water which only adds to the convenience. All in all, the ease of cleaning is another major plus for this model.

The Presto DualFry comes with two standard-sized fry baskets that each take up one half of the enameled pot. A single large fry basket is available on Amazon, but unfortunately is not included with the fryer.




Want to see the ProFly in action? Check out the video below. The video is less than two minutes long but shows the unit in action while demonstrating a few of the features.