Deep fried bacon

Husband. Father. Deep fry fanatic. Thanks for joining on me this crispy, delicious journey.

What is the meaning of life? What is the sound of one hand clapping? Can you deep fry bacon? These are the questions that humans have sought the answer to for years. The At Least We Fried staff is happy to help you out with the third question! (Editor’s Note: For the record, we think the answer to the first question is “deep fried bacon”)

The truth is, most cooks already fry their bacon. Adding bacon to a skillet with a small amount of oil is known as shallow frying, and it’s the method most commonly associated with cooking bacon. Others like to bake or even microwave their bacon. But if you’re looking for a tasty treat, deep fried bacon might be for you. Read on below for our complete guide on how to deep fry bacon.

What you’ll need to deep fry bacon

For starters, bacon. Lots of it. You’ll also need oil for your deep fryer. We recommend peanut, but there are many to choose from. From there, it’s up to you. You can fry Bacon with or without breading depending on the finish you’re looking for. Want a crispy yet still juicy version of the bacon you’re accustomed to? Deep fry your bacon naked. Want to try something more akin to a corndog that can even be dipped in a sauce? You’ll need batter.

Batter mix

3 eggs
2 cups whole milk
3 cups all-purpose flour (you can substitute gluten-free flour)
Salt to taste


Method 1: “Naked” Deep Fried Bacon

Step 1: Fill your deep fryer with peanut oil or any other oil that is liquid at room temperature. Oils that are semi-solid at room temperature like coconut oil are not ideal for frying bacon as it may not cook evenly. The ideal size of the fryer will depend on the volume of bacon you need to cook, but any deep fryer will work. If you’re traveling, a small deep fryer is enough to easily feed a small family.

Once you have filled your fryer with oil, plug it in and turn it on. A fryer with a basket is helpful but not required.

Step 2: Allow your oil to heat up. Ideally, your oil will be between 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit. While your bacon will cook at lower temperatures, you’ll end up with a less-greasy product if the cooking temperature is higher.

Step 3: Add your bacon. Don’t add the bacon all at once; you’re better off by adding each strip at a time to prevent from splashing. Bacon is fatty, which means it will cause the oil to splash and pop as it enters the oil. If your fryer is small it may be necessary that you cut the bacon strips in half before lowering them into the oil.

To prevent burns, it’s recommended that you wear gloves and use a utensil like a pair of tongs to lower the bacon into the basket. Be sure not to stand to close as oil burns are painful!

Step 4: Cook the bacon for around 5 minutes: Stand back as the bacon cooks, as it will continue to sizzle and pop. Be mindful of both the bacon and the time, as it’s possible your bacon will finish early. You’ll want to remove the bacon from the oil before it turns brown as the cooking process will continue after it’s removed from the oil.

Step 5: Extract the bacon: Once it’s ready, remove the bacon from the hot oil. Use metal tongs and, if applicable, the fryer basket. Allow the strips to drip most of the oil back into the fryer then place them on a paper towel-lined plate. Allow the bacon to cool and enjoy!


Method 2: Battered Deep-Fried Bacon

Step 1: Pre-cook the bacon. Because you’ll be using batter, the internal temperature of the fried bacon can vary. Because of health concerns, it’s important to fully cook your bacon ahead of time. In essence, you’ll be double frying your bacon. You can use any method you like, whether it’s in the microwave, skillet, or oven. Use the thickest cut you can find as it will hold up the best to the battering process. You want to cook the bacon all the way through but don’t overdo it since you’ll be frying it again

Step 2: Mix your batter. Combing your eggs, milk, and flour, then stir the batter in a large mixing bowl until it is thick and smooth. Salt to taste, adding any additional spices you enjoy. Next, place the batter in a refrigerator for at least 20 minutes to give it a chance to cool down and set properly. The cold batter will adhere to the bacon better, leaving you with a much better final product.

Step 3: Coat your bacon with the batter: Be sure to cover each slice thoroughly. Dredge the cooked bacon slice through the batter with tongs until it is covered. If you opted for thin slices of bacon, you may need to batter them by hand as opposed to using the tongs to keep them from falling apart.

Step 4: Lower the bacon into the fryer. The amount of bacon you can fry at one time will depend on the size of your fryer, but you don’t want to crowd the bacon. There should be plenty of room for each strip to float at the top of the oil. Overloading your fryer with bacon can cause the batter to rub off, leaving you with a greasy mess.

Step 5: Cook each slice for 2 minutes, and then flip it. Because of the batter, this bacon will be more buoyant than the “naked” deep fried bacon above. Because of this, you’ll need to turn the bacon halfway through to make sure both sides cook evenly. You’ll know your deep fried bacon is done when the batter becomes golden and crispy.

Step 6: remove bacon from the oil and serve: Using tongs, a fryer basket, or both, remove your battered deep fried bacon from the fryer. Set the bacon on a paper towel-lined plate to cool, then serve. Your friends from At Least We Fried are partial to drizzling each piece of deep fried bacon with warm maple syrup, but that’s just us.

What’s next?

Looking for more deep fryer recipes? We’ve got those. Need a hand choosing the best deep fryer or oil? We’ve got guides for that too. Be sure to look around At Least We Fried for everything you need for deep fryers, air fryers, and turkey fryers.